Oh wow, this is a trip down some kind of digital memory lane. It's been almost nine years since I posted to this site. Yet, it feels like a time capsule that I want to leave up as a reminder of simpler times. Even the political stuff I posted back then wasn't colored with the existential angst that today's administration fosters. There was also something about having an audience of mostly people I knew in real life. Sarcasm was recognized as sarcasm and whimsy was recognized as whimsy. Anyway, these days I have a new site where I am sharing stuff that's important to me: chrissacca.com. Of course, you can head over there for an updated Sacca bio and a picture in which I don't look 18. Meantime, I am going to leave up my original introduction post from August of 2008 for the sake of posterity...
I am Chris Sacca, a venture investor, company advisor, and adventure junkie based in San Francisco and Truckee, CA. (Here is a longer bio.) I use this space to periodically hash out some thoughts and recognize people and events that inspire me. If this site isn't enough Sacca for you, I also post to Twitter all day long. Everything related to my business happens over at Lowercase Capital.
I would love to hear from each of you. If you want to pitch a company to my fund go to this page for hints as to how that works best. Have a random question for me? You can ask at my Formspring.me page. Go here for more on speaking engagements. Always just feel free to email me here for business and really, truly, only email me here if we are already friends. Thanks for coming by!